Sunday, October 10, 2010

My eyes are opened.

Today was an incredibly rough day for me. I just feel like any day that I'm feeling a little bit better something happens to shove it back in my face. But enough is enough! I have to stay strong, persevere and beat this! There is no cure for PCOS but by spreading the word and making everyone aware of it and just how many people it effects we can change the world.

My eyes were opened today with a simple click on the good ol' Google link. I was searching for PCOS Awareness ribbons, for a car decal or anything. I came across a site, It is an amazing, eye opening site. I didn't know there was such a thing as PCOS awareness as I was not informed enough on it to know it effects SO many people. But it does help me feel as though I'm not alone. It's a horrible thing to feel alone, and I don't want ANYONE else to go through that. So I write this blog, in hopes that it helps at least one other person the way it is helping me.


If you ever see a ribbon of teal,
and wonder what it means.
Think of who a woman is,
and what a woman sees.

She sees herself, her beauty
in the middle of disease
She is more than a diagnosis
of symptoms, despair, and unease.

She's on a journey called PCOS
to discover, encourage, inspire and bless.
Where it will take her, she does not know
but her faith is great, and her efforts will show

That her mission is great and her plight is real
The symbol of hope is a ribbon of teal.
Until tomorrow, 
bitterly infertily Amber

1 comment:

  1. you know, if we can find some (or i can make some) PCOS awareness ribbons, i'd love to wear one to help spread the word. project maybe one day for us? i can count on my hand at least 5 people I know affected by PCOS and i can say that you 5 are probbly the strongest women i know.
