Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Dreaded 2 week wait!

What is the 2 week wait you ask? Well it's that dreaded time of the month between ovulation and pregnancy test time. I'm sure you can tell why it would be so annoying for me, lol. This is my 3402502985920835 (okay maybe I'm exaggerating) 2 week wait.

I really really really don't want to jinx myself, but we were talking about it and I dunno, we both have a "feeling" about this month which isn't really common for us. It was super cute, usually Nate isn't one to talk baby (I think it's his way of coping) and he actually was talking about nursery themes and all that. I got really lucky to marry such an amazing guy who will one day be the most amazing father ever. My hormones are nuts lately, and I've been getting really hot, really cold and back to hot. I think Nate wants to kill me because one minute the air is on 72 the next I have the heat on. It's my medicine though, it makes me nuts. Anyway, hopes are definitely NOT up, we know better. I love how my friends are more anxious for test taking time than I am. But, I have set myself up to not get over excited and to expect the worse. This would be a real convenient time to get pregnant. I'm going home to visit family and we have plans to go to Cedar Point. So, won't it be my like that I get pregnant and not be able to ride any rides. Eh well, that is definitely a price I am willing to pay.

My surgery process is in full swing! I'm going November 16th for a seminar, to meet the doctors, learn the plan and choose the route I'd like to take. After that the nurse said it should start a snowball effect basically. Hm, what else is going on in my life... nothing really! Oooh wait!! We did indeed get worked related good news today... maybe this will be our good luck week! Nate got promoted, well he gets promoted November 1st! So proud of my love!

Anyways, off to bed I go.
Infertile... for now,

1 comment:

  1. I am one of the ones more anxious than you for test taking. hehe ;) But I imagine the emotions you have each month take a toll on you and it helps not to get your hopes up. Until then I follow your blog and support you in whatever way i can...which is usually slurpees and long talks! :)
