Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I swear I'm not bi-polar...

But today I am not nearly as sad as I was yesterday. I don't know, I think I had a relaxing day, I slept in and I feel better so maybe I'm just not as whiny. But I said it before and I'll say it again, my emotions are definitely a roller coaster. Anywho, I made a "life altering" decision today and I go tomorrow to see if I'm qualified. If I am, I'll let you know tomorrow if not... then I'm going to work on some things and try again.

Either way, I have hope and I'm excited.

This one is going to be short because OTH and Glee are on in like 15 minutes and I'll cry if I miss them!


You are more than your infertility.
You are a wife, a partner, a friend, a lover.
You are a daughter, sister, an aunt, a cousin.
You are a worker, a fur mommy, a smiler, a laugher.
You are a timed intercourse lover, a basal temperature checker, a pregnancy bump spy.
You are a toilet paper inspector, a Doctor Google searcher, an ovulation charter.
You are a pregnancy strip tester, a PCOS hair plucker, a low-sperm count partner.
You are a fake pregnancy symptomer, a Clomid side effector, a Facebook pregnancy spy.
You are a crier in public places, a hormonal fertility needle injector, a fertility drug addict.
You are hoper, a believer, a person who won’t give up-er.
You are a strong woman.
Infertility does not define you.

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